Data Science and Complex Networks
Marcos Oliveira, Eraldo Ribeiro, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Ronaldo Menezes.
Spatio-temporal variations in the urban rhythm: the travelling waves of crime.
EPJ Data Science,
D. Pacheco, D. Pinheiro, F. Lima-Neto, E. Ribeiro, R. Menezes.
Characterization of Football Supporters from Twitter Conversations.
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence,
Dalwinderjeet Kular, Ronaldo Menezes, Eraldo Ribeiro.
Using network analysis to understand the relation between cuisine and culture.
IEEE Network Science Workshop, West Point, NY, pages 38-45, 2011,
M. Bohlool, R. Menezes, E. Ribeiro.
A Network-centric Epidemic Approach for Automated Image Label Annotation.
2nd Workshop on Complex Networks, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,