Analyzing Visual Texture
R. Filipovych, E. Ribeiro.
Learning Basic Patterns from Repetitive Texture Surfaces Under Non-Rigid Deformations. .
International Conference on Image Analysis and recognition (ICIAR),
A. Donate and Gary Dahme and Eraldo Ribeiro.
Classification of Textures Distorted by WaterWaves.
IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR (2),
E. Ribeiro and Fabio Sartori and Edwin R. Hancock.
An Evidence Combining Approach to Shape-from-Shading.
IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR (1),
E. Ribeiro, A. Robles-Kelly, E. R. Hancock.
Detecting multiple texture planes using local spectral distortion..
Image Vision Computing,
M. Carcassoni and Eraldo Ribeiro and Edwin R. Hancock.
Eigenvector method for texture recognition.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP (3),
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Estimating the Perpective Pose of Texture Planes using Spectral Analysis on the Unit Sphere.
Pattern Recogniton,
M. Carcassoni, E. Ribeiro, E. R. Hancock.
Texture Recognition Through Model Analysis of Spectral Peak Patterns.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR, Quebec, Canada,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Shape from Periodic Texture Using the Eigenvectors of Local Affine Distortion.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Analysis of Curved Textured Surfaces Using Local Spectral Distortion.
Second International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition - ICAPR2001,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
A Scale Adaptive Method for Focusing Spectral Peaks.
IEEE Internaional Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Adapting Scale by Minimising Spectral Defocusing for Shape from Texture.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
An Eigendecomposition Method for Shape-from-Texture.
IEEE Internaional Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Shape-from-Texture from Eigenvectors of Spectral Distortion.
The Mathematics of Surfaces IX - The Ninth IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Texture Plane Orientation from Spectral Accumulation.
IEEE Internaional Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Curvature estimation using shape-from-texture.
International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition -SSPR,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Adapting Spectral Scale for Shape from Texture.
European Conference on Computer Vision,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Perspective Pose from Spectral Voting.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis - CVPR,
E. Ribeiro and Edwin R. Hancock.
Detecting Multiple Texture Planes using Local Spectral Distortion.
British Machine Vision Conference, Bristol, UK,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Estimating the 3D orientation from texture planes using local spectral analysis.
Image and Vision Computing,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Improved orientation estimation for texture planes using multiple vanishing points.
Pattern Recognition,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
A Scale Adaptive Method for Estimating the Perspective Pose of Texture Planes.
Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision - SIBGRAPI,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Improved Pose Estimation for Texture Planes Using Multiple Vanishing Points.
International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Improved orientation estimation for texture planes using multiple vanishing points.
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP,
E. Ribeiro and Edwin R. Hancock.
Accumulating Spectral Evidence for Perspective Views of Texture Planes.
British machine Vision Conference,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
Estimating vanishing point from the angular correlation of spectral texture distribution.
International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision,
E. Ribeiro, E. Hancock.
3-D Planar orientation from texture: estimating vanishing point from local spectral analysis.
IX British machine Vision Conference,
E. Ribeiro, M. Mucheroni, P. Cruvinel.
Analise de textura em imagens microscopicas de Fungos usando metodo auto-regressivo e uma comparacao com o metodo classico de estimacao espectral.
VII Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica, Processamento de Imagens e Visao,
E. Ribeiro, P. Cruvinel, M. Mucheroni.
Implementacao de uma ferramenta para analise de atributos visuais em imagens texturais.
Congresso Nacional de Informatica,
E. Ribeiro, M. Mucheroni, P. Cruvinel.
Discriminacao de aspereza em texturas usando medidas no espectro de potencia.
I Workshop Sobre Visao Cibernetica,
G. Dahme, E. Ribeiro, M. Bush.
Spatial Statistics of Textons. .
International Conference of Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP,